Help 7.1 Adding, editing, removing website documents |
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Introduction: Webpage documents are links to files which can be downloaded off the website. These have been categorised so that any new documents will automatically appear on the correct page with a description of what the document contains. These documents are all in PDF format. The first step is to create a database entry (As described in this page). The second step is to create the file in PDF format and upload it to the server. See help document 7.2 Upload New/Replacement documents for instructions on how to upload a document.
You will need Administration or Calendar Editor permissions to access this feature.
1) Logon to the Members area, select the Administration TAB, then click on the documents Maintenance link as shown in figure 1 below.
Figure 1 - Selecting Documents Maintenance from the Administration TAB
2) Press the Add Button at the bottom of the screen. The Documents maintenance panel will appear as shown in figure 2.
3) In the Category drop-down box, select which area of the website the document will be published. In the example in figure 2, the document will appear under "Leading a Ride" area of the website. If extra categories are required then see the webmaster for an update to the program.
Note: At present, documents added under categories a) Membership, b) Leading a Ride, c) AGM and d) Bicycle Safety will appear in the members area under the Club Information TAB, and Forms & Guides Sub-menu. The order these documents appear on the page is in alphabetical order by Document ID name. These documents will also automatically appear under Club Information or Cycling Information in the non-members area of the website.
4) In the Document ID field, give it a unique name to identify the document. When displayed on a webpage, the order documents are listed under each category will be in alphabetical order by this field. If you need to change the display order of downloadable files then change the name of this field so documents are listed in the correct sequence.
5) In the Document Description field, give some meaningful explanation as to what the purpose of the document is.
6) In the Website Tag field, enter the short description for the document. This description will be shown on the webpage just to the left of the download button for the document on that page.
7) In the Doc Filename field, give the name of the document as the filename this Microsoft Word document will be stored on the server. Eg "Membership_Form.Docx". You can change the name of this file at anytime in this field, and if the document exists on the server, it will be automatically renamed to whatever name you give it in this field.
8) In the PDF Filename field, give the name of the document as the filename this Adobe Acrobat file will be stored on the server. Eg "Membership_Form.PDF". You can change the name of this file at anytime in this field, and if the document exists on the server, it will be automatically renamed to whatever name you give it in this field. The PDF document will be made available for download from the website immediately after the file has been uploaded and the area on the website where it is displayed will depend on the category selected - see help document 7.2 Upload New/Replacement documents.
9) In the HTML Filename field, give the name of the document as the filename this web page will be stored on the server. Eg "pge_news.html". You can change the name of this file at anytime in this field, and if the document exists on the server, it will be automatically renamed to whatever name you give it in this field. The HTML document will be made available for display providing the webmaster has linked it with menus on the website.
10) There is no need to enter a date for last modified or checkout for editing by membership number. Press the Add button to insert the new entry for the document into the database.
Help 7.1 Adding, editing, removing website documents |
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Figure 2 - Document Details Screen
1) From the main screen of Documents manager, select the document you wish to edit by clicking on the circle next to it. In the example in figure 3, Safety, 02_Ride_Signals_Calls is selected. Press the Update Button (See Figure 3)
Figure 3 - The list of currently catalogued documents available for editing
Help 7.1 Adding, editing, removing website documents |
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3) Make the changes as required on the documents panel (See figure 2) then press the Update button to save the changes. See points 3 to 9 in adding a new document for description of each field.
Note: If you want to remove a member as having a document checked out, you can place a zero in both fields next to document checked out for editing by membership number field before pressing the Update button.
1) From the main screen of Documents manager, select the document you wish to delete by clicking on the circle next to it. In the example in figure 3, Safety, 02_Ride_Signals_Calls is selected.
2) If you also want to remove the files from the server, Press the Delete Files Button (See Figure 3), otherwise go to step 3. You will be given a panel containing only the files that currently reside on the server for that document entry. In the example in figure 4, tick the box next to Delete the file: Calls and Signals on Rides (PDF - 280.56 KM) if you want it removed then click on the Delete Files button. Note that in some cases you might wish to leave the files on the server for archival reasons so it is not always required to delete the files.
Figure 4 - List of files that are currently uploaded to the server than can be deleted.
3) On the screen as shown in figure 3, press the Delete button. The Confirm record delete panel as shown in figure 5 will appear. If you wish to continue with the removal of this document entry from the database, then press the Delete button on this panel. The document will then be automatically removed for download from off the website.
Figure 5 - Confirm Delete of Document Record