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Help 4.5 Club Roles and Contacts List

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Introduction: The page on the website contains the club rules and constitution, Annual General Meeting Minutes, Insurance Policy Details, Membership form, How to Lead rides and Bicycle Safety. All these documents are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format which is available for download using the link on the page. Adobe is available on all platforms including mobile phones, tablets and computers.


1) You will need to logon to the members area. See Help 1.1 Logging onto members area if you don't know how to do this.

2) Click on the Club Information TAB. See Figure 1 below. Select Contacts sub-menu. See Figure 1.


Figure 1 - The Contacts Screen

3) If you need a printable version of the club contacts list, then enter the Capta codeword and press the printable version button. (A new web page browser window will pop up listing the contacts with the e-mail address. This should print to an A4 page in your web browser.

Note: There is a contacts list option in the non-members area, but it will not show e-mail addresses. Due to issues with SPAM we don't want to release members e-mai addresses to webpage harvesting robots therefore it cant be accessed by robots from inside the members area.

4) If you scroll down further on the page in figure 1, you will see the contact people for roles with thumbnail picture. If you hold a club role it is recommended you go to your "members profile" tab and update it there. See help document "2.4 Changing your Personal Contact Information" if you need instructions on how to update your profile picture. An example on how it will look see figure 2 below:

Figure 2 - The club role members with their picture