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Help 1.1 - Logging On

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Introduction: The Member's Area of the club website is a portal to information that is only available to club members. It is also used to set security permissions for maintenance of the membership register and other functions the website holds, including the data on some web pages. When a member joins the Sunshine Coast Bicycle Touring Club (SCBTC), they are automatically given access to the members area. The Membership Secretary will send an e-mail out containing the logon details once the profile is setup on the website. The e-mail will contain your membership number and a password. If this has not been received after joining, then contact the membership secretary to have this issued.


The membership area is used mainly to provide information only to members such as the discount scheme, forms and of course to create the ride calendar for Bike Shops and for the website. It also plays a big part with members being able to volunteer to lead rides by using the calendar function within the website. Some members also have permissions to add their own rides to the calendar whenever required.


To logon to the website, go to the home page for SCBTC at . You will see a logon bar that looks similar to the one shown in figure 1.


Figure 1 - The Logon Bar displayed on the Home page of SCBTC


There are two ways to logon to the members area:


1) Logon using your Membership Number


Just simply enter your membership number as supplied in your membership e-mail. See the example below in figure 2. The membership number consists of two sets of digits separated by a comma. In this example in figure 2, it is 350,1. The number 350 represents the membership number, where the number 1 after the comma is the household member number that resides at the same address. 350,1 may be Mr Tom Smith and 350,2 is Mrs Jane Smith for a typical household membership.


 It is possible to have up to 9 members belonging to the same household membership. All membership numbers are in this format and all contain a comma.


Figure 2 - Logging on with Membership Number


This configuration of membership numbers will help in the calculation of the membership renewal fee based on the number of adults and children who are members in the same household. Therefore every member has their own logon account to control access to various features within the website.



2) Logon using your Membership Name


Many members find it hard to remember a membership number, so you can use your name instead. This will work fine providing we don't have two or more members with the same name. In that instance you will have to use your membership number instead, or perhaps use a middle initial or name (Ask membership secretary to put this in after your first name on the website members register) if you like.


Figure 3 - Logging on with Membership Name


See figure 3 above for Mr Tom Smith, the system will determine that it is member 350,1 and log him in accordingly providing the password supplied is correct.


How do I know if I am logged on successfully


A new window will open up with the news page displayed and your membership information including expiry displayed at the top of the page.


Can't Logon? What do I do next?


See help document 1.2 Retrieving a Lost Password first before anything else if it is the case of an invalid membership number/name or password. If this is unsuccessful then please contact the Membership Secretary to have your password reset or logon details checked. The membership secretary needs to follow instructions on help document 1.3 to reset a members password.